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Cassia Essential Oil

What is Cassia Essential Oil?

Cassia essential oil is extracted from leaves, barks and twigs of Cassia tree. Steam distillation extracts Cassia oil and preserves the volatile compound at its best. Cassia tree is evergreen tree from Cinnamomum family. It grows around 30-32 feet tall. It has gray colour bark and leaves are elongated which grows around 4 inches.

Scientific name of Cassia is Cinnamomum Cassia. Also known as Laurus Cassia and Cinnamomum Aromaticum.

Location of Cassia Oil

Cassia trees mainly grow in southern and eastern part of Asia. Which, includes Sri Lanka, Vietnam, China, India, Thailand and Burma. In USA and India, it is used as common type of cinnamon.

Components of Cassia Oil

Main components of Cassia oil are : chavicol, linalool, cinnamyl acetate and benzaldehyde.

Properties of Cassia Essential Oil

Main properties of Cassia oil are : anti-galactagogue, antimicrobial, emmenagogue, anti-arthritic, febrifuge, carminative, antirheumatic, anti-emetic, antidepressant,  astringent, anti-diarrhea,  circulatory and stimulant substance.

Benefits of Cassia Essential Oil

Cassia Oil cures diarrhea.

Since ages Chinese knew medicinal purposes of Cassia Oil. Cassia tree is fundamental herb in Chinese medicinal purpose. Therefore, it is believed that Chinese spread medicinal uses to rest of the world. Hence, known as Chinese Cinnamon.

Cassia Oil is anti diarrhea and antimicrobial agent. Hence, it prevents and cure various digestive functions.Cassia Oil is a natural remedy to alleviate diarrhea. It inhibits microbial growth and cures diarrhea because of fiber. Fiber balances stool. Hence, gives healthy bowels movement. 

Cassia Oil treats depression.

Cassia Essential Oil uplifts mood and induces peace in mind.It is because of effective antidepressant agent. It has cinnamic aldehyde. This compound alleviates stress and anxiety. Inhale or Diffuse 2-3 drops of Cassia Oil.

Cassia Essential Oil treats nausea and vomiting.

Cassia Oil has antiemetic agent. It drives away nausea and vomiting feeling. Thus, it induces refreshing feeling.

Cassia Essential Oil balances milk secretion.

Being anti galactagogue agent, cassia oil can decrease secretion of milk. 

Cassia Oil fights rheumatism and arthritis.

Cassia essential oil boosts blood circulation because it is circulatory and stimulant agent. Therefore, it balances distribution of nutrients and oxygen in body.

Furthermore, Cassia Oil fights rheumatism and arthritis. It brings warmth to joints and gives relief from arthritis. Cassia essential oil is anti inflammatory agent. Therefore, it acts as natural remedy for muscle ache treatment. Furthermore, it also lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack. And it promotes urination which enables body to shed toxins.

Cassia Oil treats fever and infections.

Cassia Essential oil is febrifuge agent. Thus, it inhibits microbial growth. It prevents infections in kidneys, colon, urinary tracts, urethra and from other parts of body.  

Cassia Essential Oil has antimicrobial and antiviral agent. Therefore, it fights fever and lowers body temperature. Furthermore, Circulatory property of cassia oil boosts immune system of body and gives relief from fever.

Thus, it protects and prevents from cold,cough,influenza and other viral infections.

Cassia Essential Oil increases immune system.

Cassia Oil has antimicrobial and antiviral agent. Hence, it has potential to increase immunity.

Cassia Essential Oil as flavoring agent.

In recent studies, it was concluded that cassia essential oil has ability to be used in food industry as a natural antibacterial agent. It is used as flavoring agent for vegetarian and non vegetarian food. Mainly, pieces of cassia barks or sticks are sold and used for flavoring. Furthermore, Cassia Barks are used in beverages too just like normal cinnamon for favoring. It is known as ‘Dalchini’ in India. 

Cassia Essential Oil can treat PMS symptoms.

Cassia oil is a natural remedy for PMS cramps. It opens obstructed menstruation path. Thus, it relieves muscular cramp and keeps regular cycle. Cassia Essential oil reduces inflammation and bloating during menstrual period. It has emmenagogue agent. Hence, it reduces nausea and drowsiness which are linked with PMS.

Cassia Oil helps in digestive functioning.

Cassia Essential Oil is stimulant agent. Therefore, it helps in metabolism, secretions and discharges. Because of which it drives away gas in stomach. Cassia essential oil gives relief from gas forming within stomach because of carminative agent. Furthermore, helps to be more active.

How to use Cassia Essential Oil for?

Blending of Cassia Essential Oil

Blend well Cassia Oil with Geranium Essential Oil, Ginger Essential Oil, Chamomile Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Nutmeg Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil, Black pepper Essential Oil, Caraway Essential Oil.

Cautions to use Cassia Oil

Side effects of Cassia Essential Oil

It is non toxic. Thus, it does not cause any irritation.

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