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Neem Oil

natural neem oil

100% Pure Natural Neem oil by Droplet Care

Neem oil comes from the seed of the tropical neem tree, also known as Indian lilac. Although it has a harsh odour, it’s high in fatty acids and other nutrients. Therefore, it has a variety of uses in beauty products like skin creams, body lotions, hair products, and cosmetics.

With 100+ biologically active compounds and its unique ability to treat a whole range of health issues, it has given the name – The Tree of Life.

Neem oil contains many active ingredients that offer powerful healing properties for many medical ailments. It is extremely beneficial to the skin and hair. Some of those ingredients include fatty acids (EFA), limonoids, vitamin E, triglycerides, antioxidants, calcium. These natural ingredients make neem oil a potent antifungal, antipyretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Important Facts:

Botanical Name Azadirachta indica
Origin India
Extraction Method Solvent Extraction
Aroma Dirt, musk, sulfur 
Parts Used Seed, called Kernel

Health benefits of Neem Oil:

How to use Neem Oil:


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